Heightening Communications

Reflections Through Locked Windows In Time

Poetic Views For All Those

WIth A Mercurial Mind

About The Book

The compilation of my writings stems from vast levels of ‘being.’ I’ve aspired to reach my readers using provocation of reason and commotion, from which my life has been inspired. To bring to the table, launching to the forefront; a notion of alternate angles of ‘truth’, using both honesty and deception of emotion. Linking my individual ‘truths’ to my words within thoughts and feelings aligned to foster, the reader’s introspection, reflection, NOT deflection, to generate discussion, debate, and conversation among and between those are so inclined– And For All Those With A Mercurial Mind.

-Vittoria Lawson Yaphe

Scotland, Orkney Islands

Classroom in Prampram, Ghana West Africa

Front cover for Reflections Through Locked Windows In Time
Headshot of a brunette woman in a red blouse


Vittoria Lawson Yaphe

I am Vittoria Lawson Yaphe, Author, Freelance business and leadership consultant. My goal is to change the course of communication in writing and verbally for this new day and age of technology. I write short poems and stories in verse, capturing the topics that resound with all persons globally. My writings demonstrate how language, interpretations can doom a conversation from the outset. we are living in a present that has been in decline from both written and verbal communication, within the workplace, or within casual encounters with others. Our ability to think critically within our communication endeavors are declining into a way of speaking that can shatter others.

As my views are expressed, I do not profess to know the answers. My goal is to appeal to my readers, to formulate their own thoughts. Most importantly I hope to raise awareness regarding ‘Absolute Right and Wrong,’ as we all have opinions. I hope to reinstate civil discourse through skills of Listening, Participation, and Respecting Other’s Points of Views. And yes, Compassion is a requirement.

Vittoria Lawson Yaphe

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